Orchard Update
Post date: Nov 10, 2012 2:47:25 AM
Bet you're wondering what's going on with the orchard. Mostly we spent the summer watering, fertilizing and spraying the trees, as you have all read about. The fall started with winter prep work. We repainted the trunks with milk paint, re-wrapped the bases with wire mesh and buried the base of the mesh in dirt. We applied a winter fertilizer and mowed down the tall grass.
Just after the first snowfall we will take little tubes filled with garlic and hang them from the branches. This should deter the deer from nibbling on our baby trees during the lean months. Now we sit back, and hope that they have taken root and survive the winter.
It fantastic to image the beautiful blooms we'll see in the spring if all goes well. Cross your fingers and check back to see the blooms!
- Yes we will continue to post throughout the winter, but without a farm to take care of we cannot maintain our 2 post per week pace. Instead expect 2 post per month until the spring thaw. Then, Oh then, then, you will have your posts! Muhahaha!